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Gaiman: come si pronuncia?

Subject: how to pronounce "Gaiman"?
From: "B. Nye" <bnye@roadrunner.nf.net>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.neil-gaiman
Date: 26 Jun 1999 19:00:41 GMT

I'm probably a complete idiot, but I can't figure out how Gaiman should be pronounced...is the "ai" a long A sound or a long I? I sort of thought it was a long I (I just guessed), but everyone keeps thinking I'm saying Neil Diamond.

Subject: Re: how to pronounce "Gaiman"?
From: Cleve <cleve@home.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.neil-gaiman
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 20:33:46 GMT

B. Nye wrote:
> I'm probably a complete idiot, but I can't figure out how Gaiman should be
> pronounced...is the "ai" a long A sound or a long I? I sort of thought it
> was a long I (I just guessed), but everyone keeps thinking I'm saying Neil
> Diamond.

Long A. Rhymes with "laymen".

Not a dumb question. A couple of people in line to see him at the San
Diego Con a few years back said "guy-men." [CRINGE!]


Subject: Re: how to pronounce "Gaiman"?
From: Lucy Anne <lucy_anne@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.neil-gaiman
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 18:09:53 -0800

Forgive the formating...I'm back to the good'ol cut and paste :(
-lucy anne


From the Event Horizon chat last year:
http://www.eventhorizon.com/sfzine/chats/transcripts/102298. html

A bit earlier you mentioned the town in Patagonia called Gaiman. Do you plan to write something about it, or is it merely a personal interest sort of thing?

It's just a personal interest. I love the idea of Patagonia, and dammit I want to stand in front of that town sign. (My family name began life as something unpronounceable in Poland and became Gaeman, if memory serves, and then my grandmother fixed it to Gaiman when she married my grandfather, and felt it looked better that way.) It's pronounced GAY-m'n, by the way. I hear ever-stranger ways of pronouncing it these days.

Aggiungo come chiosa un'ultima aggiunta, da parte dello stesso Gaiman, sempre riguardo il suo cognome.

D: Poco fa hai parlato di una città in Patagonia chiamata Gaiman. Pensi di scrivere qualcosa riguardo a questo, o si tratta solo di una specie di interesse personale?
R: E' solo un interesse personale. Mi piace l'idea della Patagonia, e per tutti i diavoli voglio stare davanti al pannello con il nome di quella città. Il mio cognome è nato come qualcosa di impronunciabile in Polonia, e divenne Gaeman, se ben mi ricordo, e poi mia nonna l'ha fissato in Gaiman quando sposò mio nonno, e sentiva che era meglio in quel modo. A proposito, si pronuncia GAY-m'n. Sento sempre strani modi di pronunciarlo, in questi giorni...

La traslittaerazione nell'alfabeto fonetico internazionale è la seguente:
